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​有關盆菜的由來, 配料, 其意義
About Poon Choi




The origin of Poon Choi

After 40 years of resistance against Mongolian army, the Song Dynasty was finally defeated. Lin'an, the capital of Song, fell in 1276. Emperor Gong of Song surrendered to the Mongolian. Some senior officials, Lu Xiufu, Yang Liangjie, Chen Yizhung still wanted to fight back. They set up a new government of Emperor Duanzong in Fuzhou. Unfortunately, the new capital fell shortly too. The Song army fled to the coastal area of Guangdong. When they passed Kam Tin, the local people served the Emperor, officials, and the soldiers with the “best” food they had (i.e. pork, chicken, seafood) . At that moment, they didn’t have enough tableware for thousands and thousands of soldiers. They put different kinds of food layer by layer into a pot (called “Poon” in Chinese). This is the origin of Poon Choi, meaning “food served in pot”.

Now it is a tradition in the New Territories villages that people hold Poon Choi banquets in festivals and celebrations, such as Lunar New Year, wedding, moving into a new home, the birth of boys in Ancestral Halls.


盆菜宴不同於其他宴會形式,它具有獨特的文化意義。 它的意思是「團結」。主人家只要在祠堂門口張貼通告,村裡的鄉親便會自動出席宴會。在聚會中,不論是有錢人還是窮人,也享受著同一樣的食物,可以說團結與平等的象徵。除了美食之外,一班鄉親團在桌子吃盆菜,談天說地,把酒言歡,樂也融融,把平時寧靜的鄉村一時間變得熱鬧非常。



From village tradition to Hong Kong Culture


The Poon Choi banquet is different from other banquets, it has a unique cultural significance. It means “unity”. When a Poon Choi banquet is held, a piece of red notice will be posted at the village hall, then the villagers will automatically show up at the banquet. In the banquet, all the villagers, no matter if they are rich or poor, enjoy the same bowl of food, so it somehow represents ”equality”. Apart from the delicious food, the villagers love the atmosphere most. They sit around the table, sharing the food, chatting and drinking. It is a very enjoyable moment in peaceful village life.

Poon Choi is a tradition of the indigenous people of walled villages. Nowadays the people in City area also like Poon Choi. They will order Poon Choi in their apartment to celebrate some Chinese festivals with family and friends. This tradition becomes trendy again. The recipe has been modified also. For example, some expensive ingredients have been served; vegetarian Poon Choi is also invented




盆菜一盆共有三層,最豪華的叫 「九缽」,即將盛滿九個大碗的食物放入盆內,其次是 「兩杉四缽」。 食材有雞、鴨、魚丸、冬菇、生蠔、蝦、鮑魚、鱔和其他貴價海鮮,而兩杉就有豬肉、豬皮、魷魚和枝竹等。盆菜也有季節性的,如冬季放蘿蔔於最低層,吸收湯味,而夏天則會用竹筍代替蘿蔔。然而,食材的選擇很少是綠葉蔬菜的,因為農民已經是每天在吃蔬菜。因此傳統盆菜當中一定會具備「炆豬肉」,因為對於以前的村民來說,豬肉是一種最昂貴的食材,在喜慶日子一定要拿出最高級的食材,是對這些日子的尊重,也是對他人的祝福。


What are inside Poon Choi?

In the past, Poon Choi could only be tasted in the village. Now, many restaurants also have its supply, some introducing new flavors, such as Hakka style, seafood style and vegetarian style. The traditional Poon Choi will mainly use local ingredients. 

The pre-cooked food will be placed layer by layer in a pot, from bottom to top, from general to expensive food. The highest class of Poon Choi is called “ 九缽 / 9 bowls”, in which 9 bowls of foods are served. The general kind of Poon Choi is called “兩杉四缽 / 2 dishes 4 bowls”. Mostly, there are chicken, duck, fish balls, mushrooms, dried oysters, shrimps, sea eels and other valuable seafood, or 2 dishes with pork , roasted pork skin, squid and Tofu skin . Poon Choi dishes also have seasonal differences, such as the lowest layer of radish in winter, absorbing the sauce as its flavor; in summer the radish is replaced by bamboo shoots. However, leafy green vegetables are never served in the pot as they are too common in village life. 



2024 盆菜跑返黎啦!農曆新年作香港人最重要、最隆重的傳統節日之一,代表新一年新開始,期盼美好的開端。在農曆新年期間,每個人也帶著這些寄託去跟親友拜年,互相祝福,也是一年難得可以與親朋戚友歡聚之時刻。



2024 Poon Choi Run is back ! The Lunar New Year is one of the most important  traditional festivals for Hong Kong people. It represents a new beginning and looks forward to a good start. In the meanwhile, everyone will have gatherings with relatives and friends, blessing each other.

In the local running community, it is quite common that many runners will come out and have new year runs and gatherings. They greet each other wishing good luck and health in the coming year.

A Poon Choi gathering for runners will be a very unique, interesting and traditional way to celebrate the joy of New Year with friends. Let’s join Poon Choi Run!

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